CBCI Commission for Education and Culture


“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).


The Church has always recognized the importance of education in her mission. Pope John Paul II in Redemptor Hominis (14) spoke of the human person as the fundamental way for the Church, the way traced out by Christ himself. Hence, every one engaged in evangelization cannot but experience the challenge of education in all its facets. The work of the school is irreplaceable and the investment of human and material resources in the school becomes a prophetic choice for everyone involved in evangelization.

Vatican II in Gravissimum Educationis says, “Education is, in a very special way, the concern of the Church… because… it has the duty of proclaiming the way of salvation to all men, of revealing the life of Christ to those who believe”(GE 3).

In order to be of greater service to the Church in its mission of education, the CBCI set up the Commission for Education and Culture in 1984. The decision for setting up the Education Commission however, was taken at the General Meeting of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India held in Delhi on October 13-20, 1966. Archbishop L. Raymond, Archbishop of Nagpur was then elected as the First Chairman of the Commission. Click for History


1. To gather in the rich and wide ranging experience of the Church in India in the field of education;

2. To involve herself fully in the process of social change;

3. Reaching out, especially to the poor and the marginalized;

4. Committing herself to the work of justice and

5. Enlightening the consciences of human beings with the message of brotherhood and love.

Areas of Action:

1. Education:

Not to limit our institutions to be centres of academic excellence but also be centers where a value-system is given.

2. Culture Patterns:

To transmit a vision of life that is consistent with the Gospel values and the dignity of the human being in the present day Indian context.

3. Evangelizing Role:

The institution becomes a centre for imparting human values avoiding the suspicion of proselytism.

4. Style of administration:

The need for greater co-responsibility and participation of all those involved in the work of education – management, teachers, students and parents.

5. Networking :

A major challenge that we face is networking. In the first place this implies networking between the CBCI and CRI. Networking is also necessary among Church Institutions, Government Organizations. Non Government Organizations (NGO), the Corporate Sector, the Parents’-Teachers Associations and the Alumni/Alumnae Associations to be able to respond significantly to the issue of mass illiteracy in our country.


The main focus of our Programmes is to train Catholic Educators and Policy makers, namely, Diocesan Directors of Catholic Education, Representatives of Religious Congregations engaged in Education and Managers and Heads of institutions in drawing up Pastoral Plans for Catholic Institutions in India.

Catholic Education and the Church’s Concern for the Marginalized:

In collaboration with the Commissions for SC/ST and B.C. and Justice, Peace and Development, the Commission has launched a series of Awareness Programmes in the Regional Bishops’ Councils to make the clergy, religious and laity become aware and elicit their views on the theme of the CBCI General Body Meeting of February 2006, namely, Catholic Education and the Church’s Concern for the Marginalized.

Associations affiliated to the C.B.C.I. Commission for Education and Culture:

The following are the associations affiliated to Commission for Education and Culture:

1. The Xavier Board of Higher Education in India(XBHEI)

2. The All India National Association of Catholic Schools(AINACS)

3. The All India Federation of Catholic Teachers’ Guild (AIFCTG)

4. The All India Catholic Universities Federation (AICUF)

The Office-Bearers of the Commission for Education and Culture :

C.B.C.I. Commission for Education and Culture is headed by a Chairman, who is usually an Archbishop of a Diocese and assisted by two members, who are Bishops of the Diocese. Till date there were Chairman elected. Click here for the lists of office-bearers

CBCI Standing Committee Meeting:

Important decisions relating to Catholic Education are taken at the meeting of the CBCI Standing Committee which is held periodically. See reports

Books Produced :

To help the dioceses in their noble task of education, the CBCI Commission has brought out quite a few publications on Catholic Education in India. Mention may be made of –

  1. A Pastoral Plan for Catholic Schools in India(1994)
  2. The Teacher in the Christian School (1996)
  3. The Teacher in the Christian School (1996)
  4. Judgements on Minority Rights Vol. I(1996)
  5. Judgements on Minority Rights Vol.II(1997)
  6. National Consultation on Meeting of Religions and Cultures (1997)
  7. The Church and Education in the Service of the Nation (1998)
  8. Proceedings of the National Consultation on Education (1999)
  9. Towards Creating A Joyful Learning Environment in Educational Institutions (2000)
  10. Proceedings of the Second National Consultation on Catholic Education in India Today (2002)
  11. Minority Rights – A Critical Look at the 11-Judge Verdict with Full Text (2002)
  12. Consecrated Persons and their Mission in Schools, Vatican Document (2003)
  13. Understanding Tribal Cultures and for Effective Education (2003)
  14. The Catholic School: A Labour of Love (2006)
  15. All India Catholic Education Policy 2007
  16. The Teacher: God’s Special Helper
  17. A Joyful Learning Environment
  18. A Guide To School Administration (2009)
  19. Policy to Action Strategies (2010)

CBCI Office for Education & Culture Address: 1, Ashok Place, near Gol Dakhana, New Delhi Pin Code: 110001.


011-23747290, 9868141139

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